Grande Prairie Police Commission 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

News Release

Reaching their Vision, to the lead the way in public safety, will require significant commitment to planning by the Grande Prairie Police Commission.  The Commission's 2024-2026 Strategic Plan provides a pathway to ensuring they deliver excellent governance and oversight to the Grande Prairie Police Service, leading to a successful transition of police services in the city of Grande Prairie.  Upon completion of a stakeholder engagement process, Commission members and the police service executive team met to discuss the input received at engagement sessions and develop a path forward for the transition period.  This strategic plan outlines the Commission's strategic priorities, the objectives they wish to accomplish, and the initiatives they will develop in fulfilling their strategic priorities.

The Commission is committed to the development of a municipal police service that improves the quality of life for the citizens of Grande Prairie and are pleased to release their first Strategic Plan.  

View Strategic Plan Here